1 Year I Semester
Living world
- Living world
Definition and characters of living organisms
- Definition and characters of living organisms
Diversity in the living world
- Diversity in the living world
Binomial nomenclature
- Binomial nomenclature
Five kingdoms of life and basis of classification. Salient features of Monera, Potista, Fungi, Animalia and Plantae, Virus
- Five kingdoms of life and basis of classification. Salient features of Monera, Potista, Fungi, Animalia and Plantae, Virus
Morphology of Flowering plants
- Morphology of Flowering plants
Morphology of different parts of flowering plants – Root, stem, inflorescence, flower, leaf, fruit, seed.
- Morphology of different parts of flowering plants – Root, stem, inflorescence, flower, leaf, fruit, seed.
General Anatomy of Root, stem, leaf of monocotyledons & Dicotylidones
- General Anatomy of Root, stem, leaf of monocotyledons & Dicotylidones
- Role of digestive enzymes
Role of digestive enzymes
Body fluids and circulation
- Body fluids and circulation
Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood
- Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood
Composition and functions of lymph
- Composition and functions of lymph
Human circulatory system
- Human circulatory system
Structure of human heart and blood vessels
- Structure of human heart and blood vessels
Cardiac cycle, cardiac output and ECG
- Cardiac cycle, cardiac output and ECG
Digestion and Absorption
- Digestion and Absorption
Human alimentary canal and digestive glands
- Human alimentary canal and digestive glands
Digestion, absorption and assimilation of digested food
- Digestion, absorption and assimilation of digested food
Human respiratory system
- Human respiratory system
Mechanism of breathing and its regulation
- Mechanism of breathing and its regulation
Exchange of gases, transport of gases and regulation of respiration
- Exchange of gases, transport of gases and regulation of respiration
Respiratory volumes
- Respiratory volumes