Comparing numbers
Greater Number:
If the number of digits in the given numbers are not the same then the numbers with Greater Number of Digits is treated as a greater number.
e.g: 7, 493, 79, 2401
Here 2401 is a 4 digit number having a greater number of digits compared to other give numbers.
so 2401 is the greater number here.
If the number of digits in the given numbers are same then compare the first digit number from the left in each given number.
the number with a greater number in the first place is treated as a greater number.
e.g: 143, 247, 947, 506
Here 9 is greater than 1, 2, 5 so 947 is the greater number.
If the first place from the left is filled with the same number for all the given numbers then compare the numbers in the 2nd place from the left and so on.
e.g: 648, 607, 673, 619
Here the first place is filled with 6 only then compare the 2nd place, 7 is greater number compared to 4,0 so 673 is the greater number from the given number.
Arrangement of numbers from the smallest to the largest is called the ascending order.
e.g: 4, 48, 456, 5487
Arrangement of numbers from the largest to the smallest is called the descending order.
e.g: 5487, 456, 48, 4.
a) Find the greatest and smallest 4 digit numbers for the following
i) 1, 7, 9, 8
sol. smallest = 1789
greatest = 9871
ii) 5, 1, 6, 4
sol. smallest = 1456
greatest = 6541
iii) 0, 9, 5, 2
sol. smallest = 2059
greatest = 9520
iv) 4, 0, 2, 3
sol. smallest = 2034
greatest = 4320
b) Use any number for the maximum of two times
i) 1, 4, 5
sol. smallest = 1145
largest = 5541
ii) 7, 2, 6
sol. smallest = 2267
largest = 7762
iii) 0, 4, 7
sol. smallest = 4007
largest = 7740
iv) 0, 9, 6
sol. smallest = 6009
largest = 9960
c) Find the largest smallest 5 digit numbers for the following use all the numbers to a maximum of 3 times
i) 4, 1, 6
sol. smallest = 11146
largest = 66641
ii) 5, 9, 7
sol. smallest = 55579
largest = 99975
iii) 0, 2, 7
sol. smallest = 20007
largest = 77720
iv) 0, 6, 3
sol. smallest = 30006
largest = 66630
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