The Census of India provides us with information regarding the population. It organises the collection and recording of the information of Indian population. In India, the census is conducted once in every 10 years.
The age structure of a population refers to the number of males and females in different age groups in a country. They are children, working age and aged people.
92 % of the working people in India are in the unorganized sector.
Sex ratio is the number of females per 1000 males in the population.
Women and girls in particular are suffering from in equal opportunities for education and development. The census shows that in the age group 0-5, the number of girls who survive is much lower than boys.
Women's education has been a powerful force in reducing discrimination against women.
According to the Census of 2011, a person aged 7 years and above who can read and write with understanding in any language, is treated as 'Literate'.
Births, deaths and migrations can influence the size of population.
India is one of the most densely populated counties in the world. The population density of India is 382 as per 2011 census. It is calculated as the number of persons per unit area; in India the standard spatial unit is square kilometre.
According to 2001 census, the growth rate of population seems to be reducing. This is an inevitable situation.
Fertility rate indicates that on an average each women was likely to bear children.
Migration is the movement of people across regions and territories.
Key Words:
Population Growth: It is the change in population over time and can be quantified as the change is the number of individuals of humans.
Population Density: Population density provides a better picture of population distribution. Population density is calculated as the number of persons per square kilometre area.
Sex Ratio: Sex ratio is the number of females per 1000 males in the population.
Fertility Rate: Fertility rate is a term used to refer to the capacity of people is a given region to give birth. It is calculated per the number of women who are the child bearing age group. Presently, it is 2.7 in India.
Population Distribution: It refers to the spread of arrangement of people living in a nation of the world.
Infanticide: The act of killing of a new born child. Infanticide usually committed by the parents or by others with parents’ consent.
Literacy Rate: The literacy rate is the percentage of people with the ability to read and write. India has 74.04% of literacy rate according to the 2011 - census.
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